Aloha Wailea Ekahi Homeowners,
Taking advantage of shoulder seasons is always a goal for scheduling exterior projects, and we have several things in progress and plenty of vendors around.
Please don’t forget the Ekahi website is a great resource for project dates, reminding yourself when pest control is scheduled, or checking to see if the plumbing job will finish before your weekend guest arrives. We always keep our Events Calendar updated, but also provide periodic updates on the current projects tab.
The AOAO team has been working alongside Thiago’s Plumbing and excavating areas in building courtyards to prepare the under-slab wastewater line for a 2-way cleanout access. Once the 2-way sewer clean-out is installed, we are servicing the 4” sewer pipe, removing scale build up, and hydrojetting. Of course, after the plumbing work finishes, we will have to stay in the area to replenish the landscaping and make irrigation repairs. Only ground floor bathrooms require access for a couple hours during this job, but there are intermittent water restrictions during the week. We expect this work to continue at all buildings throughout the year and will try to and communicate the schedule at least a week in advance. The first week went really well, even with some rain and a broken valve.
So far in 2024, Top Gun Painting has completed 6 of 15 stairwell landings to replace cracked cement, repair spalling, and repaint the landing and surrounding areas. This work takes about a week and doesn’t impede unit access, but it is inconvenient. As we inspect the landings for repairs, we are seeing more and more of the spray sunscreen damaging our exterior surfaces and walkways. Please encourage your guests to wait until they are on the pool lawn or beach to use this heavy-duty spray application. If you do notice your guests have damaged your landing, or entry way, we have recommended and successfully tested, cleaning vinegar and salt to remove the sunscreen.
For May 20to May 21 please note there will be vendor activity and parking restrictions at building 43 and 44. S.F. Masonry will be working in the area between the buildings and pouring an extension of the cart path adjacent to Pool 3. The existing cart path will be extended passed pool 3 and will meet the sidewalk in building 43 courtyard. We ask that you and your guests avoid this area and use the pedestrian access next to building 42 to reach Pool/BBQ 3. Once the cement is set, our crew will return to add pathway lighting and reinstall plant materials.
As a reminder, Eurotech is scheduled June 3rd through June 14th for the refurbishment of our Pavilion Pool Deck. During this 2-week pool closure, the pavilion kitchen, covered seating areas, bathrooms, changing rooms, fitness center, board storage and BBQ’s will all remain open. The Ekahi beach access gate will remain locked, and the side alternate beach access gate must be used. With the understanding that our minor occupants will be using the outer pools for 2 weeks, we ask for your grace and patience as these pools will become more crowded.
At last week’s Board of Directors meeting, our Board had continued discussions about leak detection and prevention methods. The Boards motion included a mandate for water leak detection devices to be placed at all water heaters. Ideally, there would be leak sensors wherever there is a risk component. We will be rolling out implementation of this initiative over the next month or so. We will be looking to confirm and inspect all units to confirm that they have at least one leak detection device at the water heater in August when we do the annual dryer vent cleaning and smoke detector test. More to come.
We completed the trellis build out at BBQ site 47 this week, just in time I might add. Maui got some much-needed rain this weekend, and we got the plumbing holes filled and trellis construction finished literally minutes before the skies opened. This week, Benny our irrigation specialist was our best carpenter, and Jaden, our tallest and strongest landscape team member, jumped on the plumbing projects and dug some beautiful holes for us. Supplying the team with a cooler full of Gatorade and energy drinks didn’t hurt! And just when I couldn’t be any prouder, Nestor brought pizza to celebrate his daughter’s graduation from University of Hawaii’s Nursing School. Ven is getting ready to celebrate his daughter’s high school graduation next weekend.
The Board will be sending an email to all owners regarding the Short-Term Rental restriction situation in the near future. Meanwhile, I am getting the most recent updates and coverage from Civil Beat, and the County website.
Attached you will find:
- Approved Minutes from April 10, 2024
- March 2024 Financials
- Progress pic of BBQ Site 47
- Updated 2024 Committee List
Our offices will be closed on Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day, but we will have pool attendants staffed from 7AM – 3PM.