Note from the GM – October 2024

Aloha Wailea Ekahi Homeowners,

By now you should have received and reviewed the announcement about our 2025-2027 exterior painting project and noted the schedule for your building. We did add a buffer in case of rainy or extreme weather impacts, so if your building is delayed you can look at the make up day to ensure your guests are notified and relocated before the make-up period. Because the windows, doors and sliding glass doors all need to be taped and sealed, occupancy is highly discouraged due to limited or no access when the painting is underway. Please review that announcement in detail if you haven’t already, it’s attached for you. The schedule is also posted on our Ekahi website under current projects. I did send out a separate e-blast to all the agents and owners’ representatives we have record of.

On Monday October 28, SF Masonry will be working at our 3 BBQ locations adjacent to Pools1, 2 and 3. We are adding cement walkways to these sites for ease of access. We will need to close one of the gates at Pools 1 and 3 while this work is underway. Pool 2 has access available from above and won’t require the South gate to be locked while they are working. I do expect some noise associated with this cement work, so please advise guests if you’re located nearby.

Our gully that runs down along buildings 3-7 will be managed and cleared by What Tree LLC between October 30 to November 1. We have had a very dry summer, and with the current Stage 1 water restrictions for the Wailea area still in effect, we need to make sure this area is well-maintained and doesn’t pose any hazard or risk. Our current staffing levels in the Landscape department don’t allow this work to be performed efficiently in-house without falling further behind. While we aren’t doing much replanting these days, we are still refreshing areas that were impacted by the paving and our on-going plumbing project.   Please keep this continued water restriction in mind before you submit a work order for landscape to the office.

We have removed most of the hoses around the car wash areas, so if you need to wash your car at Ekahi, please contact the office and we will bring one to the location you intend to utilize.

At the Beach pavilion, the BBQ grills that were installed to replace the charcoal grill have been giving us consistent issues with the ignitors. Because these issues can’t be resolved due to our commercial use and consistent user area, we decided to go back to the much simpler AOG 24: propane model. We have the countertop installed scheduled for October 25th and 28th and the BBQs are already here.

In other BBQ news, we have nearly completed our portion of the build-out of Ekahi’s community BBQ areas. Our Pro-fit islands, and remaining BBQ equipment, are heading this way. Our lighting will be ordered soon, and the countertop fabricator is lined up for the beginning of December. We intend to have these new sites operable and competed before the end of the year. Each location will be fully equipped with seating, trach enclosures, lighting, and 2 BBQ’s. One propane, and one electric grill will be installed at Pools 1-3 and the Greenbelt location. At site 47, which is a little larger, we will install 36” propane grills by AOG, and the free-standing electric grill will remain.

Ekahi’s maintenance team did a fantastic job painting the interior walls of the Pavilion. We painted all of the trellis wood as well, and will be adding some plants to freshen up the area if the nursery can provide drought tolerant flowers we can hand water in the decorative pots. Our fitness center is very active with an average of 10-12 users daily and our treadmill mileage went up 500 miles since the last service.

The 2025 Operating and 2025 Reserve Budget have been presented and reviewed and will be brought forward for approval at the next Board meeting on November 13th. We will circulate the budget file and will notify you of any fee increases on or before Dember 1st, 2024. As expected, the highest increase for any line item is the AOAO property insurance.

Our Social Committee is hosting a Keiki Halloween Party with snacks and games for our owners and visitors on October 31st from 4:30-6:30 PM. We will post the attached building flyer to remind the incoming guests about the party. It was a lot of fun last year!