The County of Maui is pleased to announce that Kai Malu Wailea, LLC,
Armstrong Builders and Wasa Electric will install a new traffic signal system
at the intersection of Pi’ilani Highway and Okolani Drive during the first
half of 2023.
“The South Maui community will be happy to see this new traffic signal to
improve safety and traffic flow in the area,” said Maui County Mayor
Michael Victorino. “I want to thank Kai Malu Wailea, LLC for their diligence
and our partners at the State DOT for their help on this project.”
Construction is expected to commence early in 2023 with a spring 2023
completion date, depending on time needed to manufacture and deliver the
signal system. During construction, traffic detours will be coordinated with
the Department of Public Works’ emergency repairs to the Okolani Drive
“We want to thank Mayor Victorino, and his staff, for resolving remaining
permitting issues associated with this important safety project,” said Wayne
Muraoka of Armstrong Development. “We also want to thank State DOT
and the County’s DPW for their work and help moving this project along.
Finally, we appreciate the neighboring communities in Wailea and Maui
Meadows for their patience and advocacy.”