“Maui Artist In Residence” curated series to support Four Seasons Resort Maui artisans affected by wildfires
A curated pop-up series has been developed to support celebrated Maui artisans who have been impacted by the recent wildfires on Maui. The “Maui Artist in Residence,” series is dedicated to harnessing the healing power of art through fostering connection, contributions and community engagement. This fall, “Maui Artist in Residence” will showcase the works of…
County of Maui Announces Reopening of West Maui November 1
Aloha kākou, The phased reopening of West Maui accommodations began on October 8. Today, Maui Mayor Richard Bissen announced that the rest of West Maui north of Lahaina — Phases 2 and 3 from Kahana to Kā‘anapali — will begin reopening on Wednesday, November 1. The decision was made following discussions with the Mayor’s Lahaina…
Your Future Maui Vacation May Save the Island from Further Disaster
Maui will be dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophe of epic proportions for a long time. The physical damage to Maui is in Lahaina, with West Maui (including Kaanapali) being cut off from tourism until further notice. However, the 109 square miles of West Maui comprise just 15% of the island’s 735 square miles.…
Traffic diverted – Fire Hydrant Installation
Starting this week Friday, June 23rd PB Sullivan (Ledcor) will be working on some Lai Loa offsite work installing fire hydrants, which means they will be on Wailea Alanui Dr. and Okolani for the next several weeks. Traffic control devises will be installed as well as flaggers on site as needed.
Four Seasons has applied for a firework permit on July 7th at 8:00 PM
Pavilion BBQ Closure – June 19 and 20th
For the past few months, we have been sending out communication and having discussions at our monthly meetings about the additional barbecues we are installing at the Pavilion. During the renovation a couple years ago, we elected to install one charcoal BBQ, and 2 large gas grills. Once our lanai BBQ restriction was initiated, we…
New Piilani Traffic Light
The permit project to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Piilani Highway and Okolani/Mikioi Streets is near completion. The plan is to go into a yellow/red flashing mode June 23 to June 26, 2023. This three day flashing mode is a requirement prior to turning the traffic signal on, which is June 26,…
Wailea Ekahi AOAO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. WHEN: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 TIME: 9:00 A.M. HST WHERE: Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87003295312 Meeting ID: 870 0329 5312 — One tap mobile +13462487799,,87003295312# US (Houston) +16694449171,,87003295312# US — Dial by your location • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1…
Board of Directors Meeting – May 17th 9:00 AM HST
Mahalo for your interest in what is happening at Ekahi! Wailea Ekahi AOAO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84615636931 Meeting ID: 846 1563 6931 One tap mobile +17193594580,,84615636931# US +12532050468,,84615636931# US Dial by your location +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 205 0468 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346…
PARK MAUI is a new parking management program that strives to implement data-driven solutions for parking at beach parks, in business districts, and on streets throughout our island’s most heavily utilized areas.
Parking management refers to the strategies that optimize the utilization of parking resources while making parking easy, convenient, and accessible. Parking management strategies are successful when they are implemented incrementally and adjusted over time based on data. When parking demand clusters in certain areas, parking policies can mitigate congestion and improve access. Strategic investments in…